Endangered Species Portfolio

I’ve created this portfolio to help raise awareness to the loss this planet is facing. All of the animals I’ve painted are threatened by human activities including poaching, habitat loss, climate change, and many others. Read below to find out more about these animals, why they are endangered, and how you can help.


Humpback Whales

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 24” x 48” - $300

  • Whales provide a vital service in the ocean that sustains all sea life

  • Whales release iron and nitrogen at the surface of the ocean, fertilizing plankton, which then goes through photosynthesis, taking in CO2 and fighting global warming.

  • However whales populations have suffered a significant decline as commercial whaling grew out of control.

  • While whaling restrictions have increased, whales are still threatened by fishing nets and pollution.

  • How you can help

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy.


Black Rhino

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 8” x 10” - SOLD

  • Black Rhinos are currently critically endangered with an estimated population of about 5,000.

  • Their main threat is from poaching for the ivory from their horns.

  • Between 1960 and 1995, the Black Rhino’s population dropped 95%

  • While they might seem far away, the every day American can actually do a lot to help save these animals!

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Travelling to “off the beaten path” locations can help locals make the transition from illegally-sourced income to sustainable tourism.


Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 12” x 12” - SOLD

  • Scalloped Hammerheads have been considered globally endangered since 2008.

  • In the last 30 years their populations have declined by 95%.

  • These sharks, along with many other species of sharks, are caught for their fins which are used in shark fin soup

  • Restrictions for shark fishing are weak and filled with loopholes all across the globe.

  • Luckily there are lots of ways to help!

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of sharks and restrict fishing practices that harm the environment they live in.

    • Project Hiu is working to end shark fishing by encouraging shark fishermen to use their skills and boats for tourism instead of hunting. They organize trips and sell merchandise to support this goal.

      • https://projecthiu.com/

    • Don’t eat shark fin soup or purchase products made from sharks.


Red Crowned Crane

Acrylic Pain on Canvas - 24” x 36” - $300

  • The Red Crowned Crane is one of the rarest birds in the world with only 2,750 left in the wild.

  • They are most threatened by the destruction of wetlands in East Asia where they nest.

  • How can you help?

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.


2019 Fires in the Amazon

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 5” x 7” - $30

  • August of 2019 reported of 80,000 fires across Brazil with more than 40,000 of those fires in the Amazon Rainforest.

  • Slash and burn agriculture methods are used to clear the forest to provide land for agriculture, livestock, logging, and mining.

  • These fires increase the carbon dioxide emissions, threaten the biodiversity of the forest, and harms indigenous tribes living in the Amazon.

  • How can you help?

    • Eat less beef! Cattle ranching accounts for 80% of the land cleared in the Amazon and destroys the habitats of many endangered species.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy


Grey Crowned Crane

  • Pen on Paper - 6” x 9” - $50

  • Grey Crowned Cranes are currently listed as endangered.

  • Drainage, overgrazing, and pesticide pollution destroy these birds’ habitat.

  • These cranes are symbols for wealth and longevity, causing them to fall victim to illegal trafficking.

  • How can you help?

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy


Asian Elephant

Pen on Paper - 4” x 5” - $40

  • The global demand for ivory has led to an increase in poaching and consequential decline in elephant populations.

  • Elephants have lost over 50% of their global population in the last 60-75 years.

  • How can you help?

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy.

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.


Clouded Leopard

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 16” x 20” - $100

  • The Clouded Leopard is classified as endangered with fewer than 10,000 left in the wild.

  • Their main threats are deforestation and commercial poaching for the wildlife trade.

  • Hunting is banned in Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam but is poorly enforced.

  • How can you help?

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.



Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 18” x 24” - $150

  • These animals are critically endangered with fewer than 500 in the wild.

  • Their main threats come from over hunting for their meat and leather, as well as chronic drought and habitat destruction.

  • How you can help

    • Donate to your local zoo! Many accredited zoos work to help restore populations through breeding programs and field work.

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.


Harpy Eagle

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 8” x 8” - $30

  • Harpy Eagle population has seen a significant decline in recent history.

  • Its main threat is primarily from the expansion of logging, cattle ranching, and agriculture in South America.

  • While these eagles are currently listed as near threatened, deforestation still poses a threat and may someday cause these birds to become endangered.

  • How you can help

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy.


Bighorn Sheep

Acrylic Paint on Canvas - 16” x 20”

  • The Bighorn Sheep population witnessed a significant decline between 1870 and 1950 due to over hunting, and habitat destruction.

  • In 1936, the Arizona Boy Scouts started a national effort to save these animals.

  • Hunting is now strictly regulated by the government and the Bighorn Sheep populations across the U.S. have grown significantly.

  • Bighorn Sheep populations were able to recover successfully, however many other species wont be able to without additional help.

    • Support the World Wildlife Fund! WWF works to protect vulnerable species and habitats from climate change, poaching, and deforestation.

    • Get political! Vote to support the protection of endangered species and the land they occupy.

All artwork is available to purchase.

Email graceholmesco@gmail.com for more information